
One of the last places I went was Idaho. I really have no idea why I decided to go there. We’re used to thinking of Idaho as the state of potatoes (where do you think all those French fries come from =)). But what I’ve learned throughout my life is that even the most ordinary things or places have something great in them.
At first sight Idaho is not one of those places. But it’s just the first impression. This place is wonderful in its simplicity. If you go to NY, Utah, Illinois or pretty much any other state for that matter, you might see similar picture everywhere. With Idaho it’s different. Hard to explain though. It is mostly not quite what you see, but rather what you feel. What I felt was some kind of inexplicable calmness. Silence. I could concentrate. I could finally hear my own thoughts. Turns out to get away from your boring life you don’t always need to go too far away.
This is just one of the photos I took at Pomerelle mountain in Idaho. By the way, I finally decided to try snowboarding. And you know what? I loved it!
What I liked was that unusual mix of doing sports alone with your thoughts. Your body blends into the nature and you become part of it. Even if you have a weird piece of wood attached to your legs. How cool is that?
So whenever you feel like going somewhere, just to relax, pick a place where you would never go in a million years. And go there. I bet you won’t regret the experience.

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