Sudden laptop failure

Hey guys!
The weirdest thing happened a couple of days ago. So I got up, got a cup of coffee, took my laptop with the intention of reading the news while having breakfast, but something went horribly wrong.
Actually, the whole day was a mess because of that.
Anyway, I tried to turn it on, but nothing happened. I have no idea, why, I’ve always been very careful with it. The laptop was running, I could hear it, but the screen was blank, Windows just wasn’t running.3

I wasn’t sure what the problem was and I had no idea, what to do.
I decided to take things slow) First of all I turned on my desktop PC and started googling it. Seems, quite a few people occasionally have similar problems. Phew, I wasn’t alone.
Since I’ve had this laptop for quite some time, it’s not on warranty anymore. Didn’t really want to pay a load of money just to get it fixed, and since google had all the answers, I decided to try fixing it myself.
Somewhere I found a detailed instruction and decided to try. First of all I had to take the hard drive out of the laptop and connect it to a desktop PC as an external drive. Found a USB-to-SATA cord in the drawer took out my screwdriver and proceeded.
I’m not too good with tools and electronics, but with a little attention I managed to do it) In about 20 minutes the drive was connected to the PC. Next step)
According to the manual the first thing I should try was data recovery. I’ve never done it myself, so was a little worried that something might go wrong. But… what the heck)
Once again, google how to do it and found a website that made my life a whole lot easier. That was really helpful, even a rookie like me can figure out how to use it.
Took a little time, but with the help of google, a manual and Reclaime I was actually able to fix my laptop)
Can’t say it’s that great of an achievement, but it’s something) Worth trying =)
Hope you never have any trouble with your devices though =)
But just in case 😉

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